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How this works

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The JobInfoNetwork Advantage.

JobInfoNetwork leverages an organization’s enormous untapped potential to assist the organization’s job seekers.

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One place for
all your needs.

  • Resume and other
  • New job postings and
    saved listings.
  • Communication with
    other group members including networking results.

If you're job

Through JobInfoNetwork, members of your organization, employed in your industry, can provide job leads, contacts, and additional helpful information specific to your job search.

Benefits include:

  • Assistance with your employment effort from your organization’s members.
  • Receive job postings in your job category.
  • Post a resume that will be forwarded to employers.

Or, if you wish to support job seekers in your organization.

If your heart is in serving (even anonymously) those less fortunate than yourself, become a Job Seeker Support Team Member.

How you can help:

  • Register as a Support Team Member for your organization.
  • If a job seeker in your organization and your industry chooses you, review their resume.
  • Reply to them with your best advice.

Not registered yet?
Let's get started.

It’s time to put your organization’s enormous potential...

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